Cohesion and Coupling

November 27, 2021

Measuring Coupling and Cohesion of TypeScript code bases Earlier this month I was exploring creating dependency graphs of github…

GitHub monorepos

November 19, 2021

This past week I started as a quest to see just how large the Elastic Kibana TypeScript monorepo is compared with other TypeScript monorepos…

Architecture Art

November 03, 2021

Visualizing Coupling and Cohesion using GraphVis and ts-morph. Measuring software quality It’s generally understood that high-quality…

Misusing typescript generics

May 08, 2020

Misuse of typescript generics and casting with arrays, inheritance and subtypes Many times I’ve run across code that uses typescript…

The Basics of Kibana Pluggability

May 07, 2020

Goals The goal of this post is to help developers building plugins on top of Kibana understand key concepts and terminology. Some of this…

Hello World!

May 04, 2020

Hello World! Hello World! I’m Stacey, nice to meet you. I’ve finally decided to build a personal website using GatsbyJS and Netlify. So far…